Colin Golden CFO coach

The ‘Official’ Bio

Colin is a leadership, executive and business coach, consultant and mentor. With a wealth of 30 years of commercial experience at the highest global executive level, he delivers practical, real-world, results-focused coaching.

His key 'value-add' to clients lies in his deep understanding of how to achieve commercial success, with less stress.

Through formal education, exposure to top-tier leadership coaching, and primarily through self-discovery and real-life experience, he has re-trained to a better way of thinking and doing. Notably, he developed a keen interest in the psychology of how humans think, feel, and behave, applying this insight to drive success in the business world.

Colin believes that work life often places excess emphasis on ‘what’ we do and achieve. He cultivates the ‘how’ - how to be an inspiring leader, to win peoples’ hearts and minds, to develop executive presence, mastering negotiation, and more. He believes the ultimate power lies in the ‘why’ – the true force of inspiration. Articulating ‘why’ with real meaning touches people on an emotional level, and the real magic happens. All these principles are applied within the practical context of the real business world.

The Personal Story

Hello, I am Colin. I’ve had success, been knocked to the ground, and risen again. It used to gnaw at me, causing worry. The truth is, for most of my life I was on autopilot, on the hamster wheel of achievement until I woke up.

But, the most important things were, are, and always will be helping my family, friends, and now, clients – this is my ‘why.’

Colin Golden coach

With four young adult children, the eldest navigating the tough world of investment banking, I know I can make their journey smoother by being their guide. I am constantly reminded that the ‘work’ is the easy part. Mastering the ‘people’ challenges and opportunities is where we can truly differentiate ourselves. When we ‘connect’ as a team, that’s where the magic happens.

A personal story exposed me to the transformative power of psychology and mindfulness, reshaping my thinking. My appetite for knowledge is insatiable—especially coaching, psychology, neuroscience, and leadership literature.

I am driven to help people overcome obstacles and discover their true potential. It’ll be challenging and sometimes uncomfortable, but I will serve you 100%. Mastering the mind will become your superpower. You will be more successful, not just with ease, but coming from a place of ease.